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Training Calendar

The Training Calendar is your best source for all training events that are happening in Great Lakes Council.

Go to the Training Calendar

Online Training

Go to the Online Learning Center* by clicking the button below to take Youth Protection, Fast Start, This is Scouting, and many other training courses.

Online Training

Wood Badge & NYLT

Get more information on the highest levels of training offered for both youth and adult Scouts and Scouters.

Specialty Training

Training courses such as Leave No Trace, ABLE, Okpik, and Jungle Book will be listed on the Training Calendar. Additional information about these courses may be found here.

Training Committee

Who should be trained?

If you are a leader, you should be trained. It is not difficult, and most of it is available online. You will begin with Fast Start for your program (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, or Venturing), and then take This is Scouting. While you are online, this would be a good time to do your Youth Protection Training. Be sure to print out copies of your training certificate!

Trained vs. Trained
When is a Scouter considered trained, and for how long?
Find out HERE.

Online Training

There are a number of online training* courses available from BSA. These courses include:

  • Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venturing, and Unit Commissioner Fast Start
  • This is Scouting
  • Cub Scout Leader Specific Training
  • Youth Protection Training
  • Safe Swim Defense/Safety Afloat Training
  • Hazardous Weather Training
  • And much more!

The courses available are increasing, so be sure to go to the BSA Online Learning Center* to see what is currently available.

You will need to create an account and your BSA person ID number will be needed. In addition, MyScouting is designed to work with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 and needs an up-to-date version of Adobe Flash Player*.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a part of the BSA Online Recharter or Advancement system or the Doubleknot system. This means that the Online Recharter, Online Advancement, or Doubleknot User ID and Password will NOT work when logging in to MyScouting. In order to access MyScouting you must create a new profile. If you have an E-Learning (the old system) profile, your records will transfer into your MyScouting profile when you enter your person ID.

If you have entered your BSA Person ID number in your profile your training records with BSA will be updated to reflect the completion of the training you take online. There will also be a certificate that you can print out for your records. If you lose this certificate you will be able to print out a duplicate.